Well I seem to get fewer times to post, but more and more links build up, so here goes..
Garrys ModPose the Half Life 2 characters, and other assorted in game goodies. Then play with them. The
picture below is one of my first attempts.
Song stuck in my head!!Over and over and over and over
and over and over JybeSurf with your buds. Whoever clicks the link first, then both will see it. It works!
Google MapsGoogle, the all seeing eye of the net, now can tell you how to get there.
NPR Piece on Second LifeA small bit about Second Life, but still does not do it justice.
Mean dig at Star Wars fansRead this and secretly agree
BlockLandBe a Lego person and build Lego things, in a Lego world. At last! But is this a little creepy, building things from your own body parts? Oh did I mention it is also ONLINE AND MULTIPLAYER?
I had not had much time on it when I produced THIS image...