Saturday, November 02, 2002

Lately I've been what me and the missus have began to call Examining our prejudices. Which means (if you haven't guessed) looking at long established no-no's and dipping your toes back into them, on an experimental basis. You know the sort of thing..... "I really hate MacDonalds cheese burgers, and I haven't had one in YEARS". So you might go and take a look in one of their fine establishments, as apart from the burgers, there is bound to be lots more you were not aware of.

It doesn't always work, but lately it seems to have been.

One of my pet peeves was the amount that stores charge for branded PC's. Usually I wouldn't even bother looking in those places, but my usual treasure troves decided to charge a similar price for one. So I checked it out and got a not so great deal on a new PC. Fair enough you might say, but today was looking through one of those very same sale magazines you get in the weekend paper, and there it was...... An offer to supply the monitor and a printer with it for FREE! A quick call to the store unearthed the fact that we could return in the morning and pick up the monitor and printer for no cost! Oh my, I sound like a piece of spam.

If that wasn't enough, during my initial look at the PC (tower only) I was going to wipe away the pre-installed Windows XP and reinstall a nice solid version of Windows 2000 Professional. But then it happened, and I was won over by the smoothness of it all. The oh so clever and well thought out features of it all. If it was a person, Windows XP would be Leslie Phillips.

The one prejudice I didn't examine was buying an open box PC :)

Anyway I needed a printer...

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