at our least fave entertainment outlet. They told us that the lists which make
up the guarantees are store specific, and after checking it seemed that that particular
title (the one we found on the shelf actually standing RIGHT ON the bit of card
telling you about the scheme) was not currently listed as part of that scheme.
Wow what a shocker! So perhaps the computers reasoning goes something along the
lines of...
10 IF movie = instock THEN ADD TO raincheckList
20 IF movie = outofstock THEN REMOVE FROM
30 GOSUB RecoverLateFeeRevenue
40 GOSUB EmployYetAnotherUntrainedEmployee
50 GOTO 10
60 DEFSUB RecoverLateFee
70 Victim=CustomerDb Random (all)
80 LateReason=NonReturn OR LateReturn
100 DEFSUB=EmployYetAnotherUntrainedEmployee
110 If attitude<3 AND MovieKnowledge=0 AND
StorePolicy=unknown AND ProjectedLengthOfEmployment<3 weeks
THEN Employ
120 ELSE lookForCheaperOption
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