Sunday, June 15, 2003

ok a ton of stuff to catch up on... probably lost a few meandering thoughts along the way, but enough with the excuses... on with it...

Ok this week I have been seeing the following lookalikes
Lenny Kravitz
Bill Cosby
James Brown

Second Life ends soon with a complete 24/7 subscription version of the same thing. I have been wondering if it's worth it or not. The 3D building aspect is exciting, but you can build much better outside this virtual construction kit. (Hang this me trying to justify paying for, after saying how shallow it is, and not remaining in Second Life....hmmm lets see shall we... Oh shush, he's starting again....)
There looks great and they keep pulling new features out of their technical bag. Second Life looks strange (and I mean 'performance art' strange) but has an infinate number of possibilities.
Well, maybe the issue is what's on offer. Second Life has a big range of teachnical feats that allow you to do something that you can do outside of it's walls. There on the otherhand is merely a chat room. But an old timer in the form of Cybertown, has just released their custom homes feature. Which means now anyone can build custom homes, and use them within Cybertown.

So it looks like Second Lifes discount lifetime membership fee of $150 is probably going to be spent on oh it seems we have a winner. Not too sure when Second Life locks all the non-paying customers out, but it's bound to be soon, and like I said, people can build more complex things OUTSIDE of Second Life for free, and even use them in Cybertown. Which while not free, I am currently paying for, so it is a value added feature, shall we say. (er.... yes?)

Ever met a person which claims to be extremely famous but when you check them out, mysteriously find no mention of them at all? Well one of my (many) problems is that I tend to believe people all the time. I was chatting with someone the other day (in person, face to face) who claimed to be a really famous person, who was even connected with royalty of their particular country! I am being deliberately vague as I am not entirely sure they were lying but as soon as I can make my mind up about it, I will let you know the rather splendid details.

On an entirely different note, for my gardening blog followers out there, I did indulge myself in a little green thumbery today. Could stand the ever present jungle in the back garden no longer, and set to work with many gardening implements, to make that uncarted chartable once more..

Top of the garden gadgetry food chain was a lawn mower. Not very exciting you would say, but I have fallen in love with this thing. It is the all time WWF champion of the world, as far as lawn mowers go for me at least. (This comes from an extremely short list of known lawn mowers, of about none to be more precise) It sliced and diced, and was very Clint Eastwood about the whole jungle levelling thing. I could not believe they built these things to go so 'extreme' as this one did. No special warning stickers or anything, but you know those motorcross motorcycles that leap around like noisily flatulent gazelles? Well this was my lawn mower. I was disspearing into the undergrowth, and then majestically (in slow motion too) erupting from the greenery, pulling a trick on it. Sometimes holding the handle beneath me, while sticking my legs out in front. Other times letting the mower go first, and me trailing after it, one handedly. Wow, they might be making a game of me soon so watch out. So I hope that all the weeds (hah, weeds? more like a scene from Ain't Half Hot Mum out there) listened to what I said to them and will not return, as there is a new space age barrier out there on the garden which does a weed threatening thing all by itself, so I don't have to hopefully go and hang some serious air with the mower again too soon.

Grass had been sighted nearby, but these are obviously unconfirmed reports....

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