Friday, September 19, 2003


An upcoming interview with immigration means I have to choose from some of the hundreds of wedding photographs, something that demostrates it was indeed a real (but to them more importantly legal) day.

I like to think that I am normally in control of how I am, even under pressure, but these images seem to show that I was the most nervous person in the universe at that moment.

I am like a huge number of people, that do NOT like their photos taken. So I understood that it was not really an option at my own wedding! However, I look like some sort of stand in, as if they needed someone to take up the space for when the real groom arrived. Worse of all, I was rarely smiling, now I thought I was, but the evidence shows I wasn't.

It sounds like a cliche, but it really was a perfect day. Plenty of preperation and every single moment went more perfectly that anyone could have planned. It's been just over a year, and good things continue to flow...

Wow, makes you think doesn't it...

Oh and with the slim chance that someone is reading this and is wondering, the interview is a normal part of the immigration process. But as usual starts off plenty of needless worry. Can't moan, as I knew all the beurocratic hoops I needed to jump through well before this time. I just have to 'suck it up' as I have heard some people told lately. At least it's something that furthers things, and not a step back, gotta keep the positive in mind, you know? These are the final stages now with immigration anyway, and they have been good to me up to now, so I have had a relatively care free experience with things

I like it here, I know now why they protect their borders the way they do
image credit

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