Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes Govenor of California (yes the actor)

The title may look a little obvious, and be repeated a million times across the web right now, but it's really for the archives, when people hardly remember it, and so I don't have a hard time finding it again. Well I don't think I am too shocked, but hey, this is America after all, so see what the BBC NEWS had to say about it, all those years ago when it happened. Good luck to him, as it seems the people there were pretty cheesed off with the last chap they had running the place. Perhaps the movie industry might get some sort of recognition? Oops became a little politically outspoken there, gotta watch it.

Well, I became a permenant member of the country and Arnie governs California....That's better, back to the more self centered stuff again. Not sure that means anything though..

The man
image credit

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