Friday, February 06, 2004

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The Iguana departs

After a couple of days of obvious quiet, the iquana decided to peacefully move onto pastures new....

See you around JJ

She joins one of the cats and a couple of hamsters, where ever it is these go, when they er... go...

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

GameShark Media Player Crack

It seems I am getting a lot of people coming here for the GameShark Media Player Crack. I have no idea why, and what on earth could the crack actually do?

If someone would like to leave an anonymous comment as to the function of it (or what someone THINKS it is) I would very much like to know. I would be your bestest buddy for ever and ever and ever and ever.

You can read my original article on it here.

Until then, here's a pointless Star Trek link....

Poor chap in red, they always get it!
Is that Steven Segal?

Monday, February 02, 2004


DON'T LOOK AT THIS. It will make you laugh and then you will feel REALLY guilty!

Now do you feel guilty?

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Mag Innovision LT576s 15 inch Flat Panel monitor

Well after the success of messing about with a Mag LT776s Flat Panel Monitor I broke down and got a Mag LT576s 15 inch flat panel monitor which now keeps an underused PC company elsewhere in the lair.

It fit into the space just perfectly, and with a little care and attention, it means all you see is a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. No wires to worry about or get in the way.

This thing is just so nice, and there is no issue what so ever with the image quality. The more Mag products I get to try, the more and more I like them. It's one of those brand names I now tend to notice in the computery stores no matter what I am actually looking for.

Mag LT576s, nice and trim.

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
Flat Panel Monitor - Same as LCD but for people with more money than God.
Second monitor on a laptop - Just plug a normal desktop monitor, into the monitor socket on the back of your laptop, and switch on.