Sunday, June 05, 2005

Podcast - Podcasting - Pod what?

I have been really getting into the whole Podcast thing of late. It really was after I saw an announcement that the now dead Screen Savers original lineup, were getting together to do a show online. This would be a Podcast of them chatting. No interruptions just some people who know their tech, telling it like it is.

Podcasts are similar to radio broadcasts (there are some are video ones too), but anyone can do them. They are simple audio files which you can listen to, nothing more than that. Anyone that uses a news reader to get headlines from websites would be right at home here. Put in the URL of the Podcast 'feed' and your program goes off and gets only the latest one. Then when ever the program checks, it can get the next show. You can trawl around your sites downloading the files directly, but thats if they offer them this way, and in some cases if they even have a website at all!

Software to help collect the shows.

A directory of Podcasts. I am sure there are a lot more, but this one can get you started. Plus look out for the Podcasts that may already be on your regular sites.

Stick these on your MP3 player, and you can take them with you and listen to the shows you like, when you like.

I had heard of Podcasting a lot, but never bothered with it. Now I have, its quite enjoyable. Although with everything else there is a lot of crap out there, some are nice. I will post some of my faves when I have really found something worth telling anyone about.

So basically, it's just a fancy name for a way of collecting a sound file.

You will need these, otherwise people around you will kill you for the crap that comes out of your speakers.. er, only sometimes

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