Friday, November 25, 2016

Arduino Uno + Radioshack LED strip + Cake

Every year when it gets too late, I remind myself to 'next year' string something (anything) up as decorations, that's Arduino controlled.

This is the year I remembered, and it didn't take long.

It's an old 1m RadioShack Tricolor LED strip, attached to an Arduino Uno, powered by an old Netgear FS116 switch PSU.

It says that the LED strip at full blast, requires 12Volts at 1Amp. So I used an old Netgear FS116 Switch power supply, plugged into the Arduino Uno, so it can power the LED strip.

With just three wires coming from the LED strip, you shove the following thusly.
Black - GND
Red - Vin
Green - A0

The Netgear power supply has the correct polarity for the LED strip, with positive on the inside, and just happens to fit perfectly.

Here's one of the ten sections, that can apparently be snipped out of the strip and used individually by soldering wires to the long pads shown here.
I didn't bother doing that, because the wires came already attached at one end and the whole thing is encased in a soft plastic, so I guess it would be water resistant to some degree.

So for anyone just starting out. Stick all the things in the places I have shown you above. Attach your Arduino Uno to your PC, then copy and paste the sketch at the bottom of this post, into the Arduino editor and upload it to the board.

Here's the sketch for the Arduino Uno

//            Hardware: RadioShack Tricolor LED Strip
//            Arduino IDE: Arduino-1.0
//            Date:      April 17, 2013
//            Author: RadioShack Corporation
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  Lesser General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
//  License along with this library; if not, see <>

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

// ******** DEBUG ==== should auto config to adapt different mother board *********
//#define DATA_1 (PORTF |=  0X01)    // DATA 1    // for ATMEGA
//#define DATA_0 (PORTF &=  0XFE)    // DATA 0    // for ATMEGA
//#define STRIP_PINOUT DDRF=0xFF  // for ATMEGA
#define DATA_1 (PORTC |=  0X01)    // DATA 1    // for UNO
#define DATA_0 (PORTC &=  0XFE)    // DATA 0    // for UNO
#define STRIP_PINOUT (DDRC=0xFF)    // for UNO

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_red[10][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_blue[10][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_green[10][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_white[10][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_comet1[][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_comet2[][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_comet3[][10]={

PROGMEM const unsigned long pattern_test_rainbow[10][10]={

// ***********************************************************************************************************
// *
// *                            Power Up Init.
// *
// *
// ***********************************************************************************************************
void setup() {                

  STRIP_PINOUT;        // set output pin - DEBUG: should auto detect which mother board for use



// ***********************************************************************************************************
// *
// *                            Main Loop 
// *
// *
// ***********************************************************************************************************
void loop() 

  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_red, 10, 500);
  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_blue, 10, 500);
  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_green, 10, 500);
  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_white, 10, 500);
  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_comet1, 10, 70);
  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_comet2, 10, 70);
  send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_comet3, 10, 70);
  int a;
  while (a<50)
    send_1M_pattern(pattern_test_rainbow, 10, 70);

    if(frame<=10) LEDSTRIP_PATTERN_0();
    if(10<frame<=20) LEDSTRIP_PATTERN_0();
    if(20<frame<=30) LEDSTRIP_PATTERN_0();
    if(frame>30) frame=1;

 * Function Name  : send_1M_pattern
 * Description    : Transmit pattern to whole 1 meter strip
 * Input          : pointer to ROM pattern; pattern length; frame rate
 * Output         : None
 * Return         : None
void send_1M_pattern(const unsigned long data[][10], int pattern_no, int frame_rate)
  int i=0;
  int j=0;
  uint32_t temp_data;

  for (i=0;i<pattern_no;i++)
    for (j=0;j<10;j++)




 * Function Name  : send_strip
 * Description    : Transmit 24 pulse to LED strip
 * Input          : 24-bit data for the strip
 * Output         : None
 * Return         : None
void send_strip(uint32_t data)
  int i;
  unsigned long j=0x800000;
  for (i=0;i<24;i++)
    if (data & j)



 * Function Name  : reset_strip
 * Description    : Send reset pulse to reset all color of the strip
 * Input          : None
 * Output         : None
 * Return         : None
void  reset_strip()

1 comment:

Ethernet Cables said...

Thanks for the great post. Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts.