Thursday, October 31, 2002

Was nice to find some Spectrum stuff. And actually a screen saver I can live with for now. In my obsession with shaving milliseconds of this clock cycle, and retaining the optimum amount of desktop colors to make the thing work ultra efficiently, I had forgotten to have fun with the bloody thing. Which I believe was part of the reason for owning one anyway!

I think a large dose of something fast and gory would be in order...hmmmm let me see.... what about Mario Party 4? That's a strong contender but it's downfall is that you have to retain your fellow players. You know how it is, you all get set to play, and there is ALWAYS someone who insists on getting up and doing something. Phrases like, "Oh just take my go for me ok?", come pretty soon after, "Can you pause it a moment, I won't be long."

Bomberman was the game, but that too only worked a few times, and like all the best get togethers, they were the ones that you hadn't really planned on in the first place.

Perhaps something shooty and blasty like Half Life ....mmmmm Haaalf Liiife....... That WAS a nice game, but perhaps it could be like all the other fondly remembered emulated games. Fun for about 1 second!

I have been playing the odd bit of Defender lately, which is an all time fave for me, along with Lunar Jet Man (Click that link and you can play it in your browser! Shock horror an interesting link here) as well as the earlier Jet Pac. Apparently there is a new version of Defender available on the PS2. Now since I have been here in the USA, I have been impressed with the fact that all the games get released instantly. A refreshing change from all that European release dates of "Ohhh mmmm er..... possibly the third quarter of the year after next er... maybe"

Hopefully can get a "house" present of a PS2 this Christmas, so I can worship the great god of games Wipeout Fusion (where's my kleenex!)

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