Got round to ticking off from my tatty old to-do list, installing Linux, in two flavours, and a nice dual boot to er... boot.
The Blogger input thing, crashed out on me earlier so you are being saved from a longer textual drivel than you got this time round (lucky eh?) but I am sure some of that previous gibber will spawn again lower down this entry..
Going back to my geekier roots, I would have to say that knowing embaressingly little about Linux lead to intensive research on how to even get the damn thing on the box, (Oh no, he said BOX instead of it, something's coming....) let alone USE it in any meaningful way.
The reasoning for all this intensive installation and all round serveryness, was because later on this year, Windows98 becomes unsupported by Microsoft (Hey, why didn't he say M$ like all the other kids??) and there are going to be a lot of community centers with a lot of sub 1Ghz PC's, with zero to buy the extreme licenses offered by M$ (Oh, he said it).
So if they use a free operating system that still gets the jobs done, that apparently people need computers for, they would be saved, groovy!
(Except that nobody really knows what a community center computer lab is for...research will take years to uncover the mysteries, watch out for it on the Discovery Channel)
It has been an education as I now know what ROOT is all about, and oh yes, I do got it, (The wit of a 400lb Star Trek Fan astounds more and more) more to the point being YOU HAVE TO, to be able to do this properly. And should I tell you what it is, er...........(well?)....No, sorry I can't. You do the work and you to can have it.
Hey I feel more empowered (Read Geek) than ever before... Just like that chap in the movie Signs said "They make up strange little symbols and languages to make themselves feel important" or something like that. That's what's happening. And you know it's geek because it's computers, not football or another sport, where someone that can tell you every play since Moses came down from the mountain. No, they are considered an expert, and if you know how to turn on a computer and install something vaguely useful you must be a geek. Listen up sports fans, at least the geeks are actually DOING what it is they supposedly know about, not sitting on the couch, telling their only 2 chums HOW they WOULD have done it!
Hah! (Oh come on, this is weak).....yes it is rather, perhaps I should leave it there for now...
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