Tuesday, September 23, 2003


Well finally got one of those Tivo things, a nice huge one with over four full days recording time, if you watched non-stop! Haven't plumbed it in yet, but managed to rewire the house so it all works everywhere, and can be used anywhere too. It's one that combines DirectTV with the service so apparently, your television becomes telepathic and records everything you like without you having to set it!!

I have heard some describe this as a religion, and I will of course let you know the official Krysss.com verdict, as soon as a few weeks have passed.

While glancing through a rather massive forum of all things Tivoey, I came across a little note from one of the admins there about how they had neglected music over the years, and wondered just how they had lost sight (or sound) of their lifes soundtrack, as they put it.

Never being allowed in younger years to listen to music at any great level (lots of strict stuff there) my own personal sound level is very low, or it seems it when compared to others. I can survive on virtual silence, unlike people I know that are not happy unless the television or radio is pounding away ignored (but having to be beaten back in the conversation) in the background. Or a car ride with the obligatory gaggle of DJ burble and the same five songs played in a loop between commercials.....

I replaced it with message boards, and lots of quietly digestable information. Now everyone seems to be getting the idea that while the nerds don't get out on the dance floor, or even out at all, they do have the knowledge to do what ever it is they WOULD do if they could go out unprotected into the sunlight...

I am REALLY making an effort to play more music and not let it annoy me, but it's early days and perhaps I will just never get used to it. Even when in a position of not wanting to hear the world nearby, it's always (if it's even on) pulled back a notch or two so I don't loose sight of what is happening around me.....

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