Sunday, December 14, 2003

Merry Christmas

This is my Christmas Tree. I mean MY tree. I booked this one over two years ago! I went real posh. All the lights are pre-wired and attached to the tree. You just take out the three sections, and the branches just fall into place! It took longer to unwrap it from the box than the entire decorating took!

Christmas Tree Survey follows;

Real or Fake - Definately fake
(Who in their right mind wants pine needles in everything for eight months of the year?)

Tinsel - Yes
(Not those little wooden toy things, which all fall apart and you seem to think there is some wonderful heartwarming family story behind it's very existance)

Amount of Tinsel - Maximum
(It's got to be bending under the weight, or until there is no way you can tell there is a tree under it all)

Balls - Yes shiney ones.
(Of course, because they shine)

Chocolates - It's the law
(Everyone starts off knowing that there are chocs there, but the general concensus is that nobody should eat them, until an as yet unspecified time. With the added complication that everyone accepts this ruling, although nobody seems to wonder why this is in place, and just WHY you cannot eat them yet, or WHEN exactly the comsuming is supposed to be legal again. Consequently, the entire crop of hanging chocolate coinage, slowly migrates to a place that is other than the branches of the heavily laiden tree. OO a mystery ensues)

Presents under the tree - Yes
(Everyone gets fair crack at the shake it, bash it, knock it, or just plain old sneaking around and viciously deying any such foul play that would indeed have left a trace of wrapper-tampering!)

My Christmas Tree (Me 2003)

Now the reason you are not seeing the whole thing (six foot white and blue marvel that it is) is that my crusty old digital camera is simply rubbish. The colors are washed out (the image above was altered in Photoshop) and unless you have more light than the stadium at the SuperBowl, you can't see a thing in any of the images.

Kodak DX3500: See even the publicity images of it are all blurry!

What I am severely hinting at is a Canon ZR60 for Christmas..... I'm not proud, and you know it would be going to a good home. I don't need much for web work, but with the rise in broadband, the images can afford to be a little crisper you know.

The Canon ZR60, I may be in love...

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