Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Unreal Tournament 2004

Perhaps you found this article hoping you would find the link to the demo, so HERE it is.

It is familliar to anyone who has played any of the unreal games. It does however seem a LOT faster! You can drive various vehicles too which adds quite a lot to the game. My favorite is the tank which lumbers around and then spits out instant death! Slow but you don't want to be around when it sees you. I think I am going to have to buy it soon.

Shooty blam blam

For anyone who doesn't know, this game is referred to as a first person shooter. You see out of the eyes of your gun toting hero, and are supposed to stomp around the play area (mostly) shooting the opposing team, or in the case of a Deathmatch, EVERYONE else. You move the mouse to aim your gun, the keyboard to move about, and clicking the mouse buttons dishes out your style of justice! Heart stopping stuff indeed! It's like paintball, but a lot more satisfying. The current fashion is to play online with lots of people, but there are games which allow you to play single player mission type games. Imagine an action movie, where you are the central character, and the action (for the most part) never lets up. They even have crappy acting in the cut scenes most of the time too!

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