Sunday, June 20, 2004


The great outdoors, the wilderness, the No Bloody Electricity, the Shower? HAHAHAHA, the bzzzzzzzzz kerSLAP!, the banjo music in the woods, the nearest wireless connection is at least thirty miles away, or camping.

I reluctantly agreed to what turned out to be a rather good time. After a frazzling weeks work, and late nights the LAST THING ON EARTH, I wanted to do was to head out into the nothingness and slog about up to my ankles in mud, broken glass, and assorted deadly creepy crawlies. Things were not so bad after all. Once I got used to not actually owning anything even remotely related to camping, I got into it. Did the prod-the-fire thing for a while, and found I was good at carrying buckets of water around. It made a change not to be in the middle of smugly humming PC's, all plotting the next incomprehensible, unfathomable, small, but essential show stopper. Just me a few people and the open nothingness. The image below is in fact the highlight of the area I was in, as it all looked the same, in every direction.

I am going back, although I cannot believe it. I tend to LIVE computers twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. And being nearly without them, was a change I think I needed more than I realised. I say nearly because as always I had my Axim with me, and the new phone which means I could connect if need be. So I tried doing interesting things with the phone, while trying to enjoy the vertebre numbing pleasure of sleeping on top of mount Knobbly, which few people know was RIGHT UNDER MY TENT!! Everyone knows you cannot do anything interesting on a mobile phone unless you are an idiot.

There was a river which allowed anyone to float along, pretty well unguided, and enjoy at a Disney ride pace the local scenery which mostly consisted of what I am assured are small trees (normal UK sized ones) and er.. water. I was only there for about 24 hours, so that's really the crappy version of a vacation to get there and have to unpack is one thing, and then the next day to have to scoop all your crap up again, so not really much time for anything much else.

Next time I know what to take. Beer being one of them, and appearing frequently through my list of soon-to-be-purcahsed camping equipment.

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