Saturday, October 22, 2005

Doom - The Movie

Doom the movie, has been coming out for what seems for ever. And the reviews are saying it's not so good, BUT (there's always a but) it captures the game Doom perfectly. I have not seen any other movie, which captured the essence of a game as completely as this one.

Great cast, and none of the clichés which would have so easily slipped in between the massive amounts of action. Not even the part in an action movie where they all hold up somewhere, pull out blue prints, and explain the 'plot so far' for all the stupids. Then decide which doors they are going to weld shut, with us seeing the last soldier reporting the door is closed, saying "And nothing is going to get in or out". Camera panning down, as he walks away, to trail of slime which we return to a couple of scenes later. Watching him scrabble at that very same two foot thick steel door, while being chomped by the monster of the moment.

If you wanted to give someone an idea of what it's like to play Doom, or any other first person shooter. Show them this movie, it captures it all so well. And as for the bad reviews, this movie never promised to be anything else other than a real good time.

I watched it on the IMAX screen. The bonus was that because of all the crappy reviews, I could get in to see it on a Saturday night, and sit where ever I wanted. Oh yeah

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