Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Linux... now what?

After going to amazingly complicated lengths of time to get Redhat installed, they decide (Just to annoy you personally) to not support the free version any more.

Now I am not too concerned as I have done hardly anything with it, and it's installed to dual boot along with Windows98 on a second computer. But now I have to get something to replace it, and figure out if I can simply 'go over' the Redhat partition with another version?

Who knows, not me YET!

I have also decided to just try and USE Linux, instead of wondering why it's supposed to be so good. Never know, it could catch on.. At least I hadn't gotten to the point where I would be in trouble because I was depending on it. I imagine there are those out there that are. Shame.

More Linux, I think I really should learn about it
Rehat Linux, I sort of missed that one...

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