Saturday, August 30, 2003

I just KNEW it wasn't only me

Read this article from an oft read blog about children and how they used to grow up... The article they refer to is here. I would make that chap the next President of the world if it was possible.. See what you think.

Aaaargh! No! Quick supervise him properly now!!!

Thanks to Radmilla for finding and reproducing the article after it fell from the Toronto Sun website after just one day..

A bit harsh!

Celebrity Spawn but if you look at it for a moment it does have it's mothers cheek bones...

Friday, August 29, 2003

Oh my, there were a load of new babies in There last night. It was a little spooky to see such fresh faces in one place, not all covered in the usual assortment of not-so-newbies, probably trying to exploit their wide-eyed innocence.

This is me in There.Com

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Extreme Blogging

Hello my name is Krysss, and I am addicted to blogs... (feeble sympathetic applause from the equally feeble fashioned group, sitting on even more feeble plastic chairs)..

A rare shot of plastic chairs mating in the wild

Hang on a moment, do they make those seats in some special factory somewhere? Does some chap phone up this mystery factory and say...

"Er excuse me, I will be opening an establishment where people will feel real uncomfortable/uneasy/afraid and need some chairs to go with the doom laiden atmosphere. I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Yes sir of course, is it a dentists, government facility open to the public in some way, a doctors office, MacDonalds, or something along those lines?"

"Ok what colours do you have?"

"Well sir we have all the standard colours, which of course look like a sort of dank greeny grey colour in any light, and are especially able to show up the defects under intense flourescent lighting?"

"That's great! When can I pick them up?"

"You want them pre-stressed sir?"


"Well do you want them with chunks out of the rim on the back, and/or with sharp flab-grabbing triangles cut into the seat parts? You know there is a sale on hardened pink chewing gum stuck on the bottoms this week?"

"Is it cheaper if I buy more of them?"

"BUY? BUY? What are you talking about, these things are rental only. They are a quality product. Sir, you must have seen how some of our fine work lasts in some places for YEARS. There is no way we can let you BUY any of these chairs. Sorry, as you probably know they are in VERY short supply..."

I think you get the point I was trying to make here... The chairs are always in places of immense stress, or another establishment of social leprosy, and they NEVER change them or bother to get them fixed. I can imagine generation after generation of employment collecting types, all sitting on the VERY SAME SEATING. You know people often remark (or actually the movies often portray) that after a nuclear war, only cockroaches would remain?... WRONG, it's going to be some chairs from an immigration office somewhere, all sitting patiently in the sun and dust, until apes want them to open up their own governmental offices, as they now rule the planet.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yes, being addicted to Blogs. I read a lot of them lately, and seem to get sucked into the other people's lives thing, and am beginning to find a few great ones to read (hopefully) on a regular basis. I like the examination of living, and hopefully the honesty that a lot of people think, gets in the way of life. Tell it like it is, and be prepared to turn that x-ray on yourself, or let others do similar. It can be fun at times.

Phew, and NO I have not been drinking :)

Monday, August 25, 2003


Today I managed to get some more fridge magnets, so now we can spell those improper words, properly, or if you know anything about this art, a lot MORE improper words, improperly.

Well I hadn't been to a Walmart before, but this place was ENORMOUS, and had just about everything you could ever hope to imagine, to possibly think you may just find handy, in case you needed it!!

Image removed due to sniffing from the Iola Register, who actually own it... sorry chaps, no hard feelings....
Wow they all came out to meet me, but they would have charged more for colour

So meanwhile back in the store....

This place was so huge, it even had one of those granny areas where you can buy wool, and all things knittery and sewery! But instead of being a tiny little section of the store with about two colours of wool there, and a bit of cotton sheet on a roll, this went on for miles. I would imagine that if the Death Star had a knitting section on it, this would be it. All endless amount of wool with no end in sight! If Neo had asked for wool in the Matrix, instead of guns, this would have been too much to have whizz past him, as it would have taken too long!

They had everything, even a sinister message on the shopping cart which mentioned something about if you take the cart outside of the boundries of the parking lot, it will lock.... which apparently is a little wire around the lot, which when passed over, locks up the cart, according to this.

Funny old world..

Sunday, August 24, 2003


After a long time nagging myself, and then some more from out there, I sat and made some slight changes to the main site, this one, and even put a little news feed here.

Finally got something to do with this computer. After all, whats the use of having all this monster machinedness and not using it. If I wait another couple of weeks, the likely hood of this PC being able to run anything again, is marginal at best! Only kidding, there is plenty more life in it yet (crosses fingers and looks over shoulders for the CPU speed police), it just seems that if you leave your computer only doing work and blogs for more than a couple of months, you wake up and find a slideshow on your screen instead of the latest killer game.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Weird things

Today when I should have been working I found some REALLY strange things.... go here and tell me if you think you can work out what it's for.

Put in a URL (you know of anything you can think of, sit back and watch the er.. well, that's the point. Get back to me on it ok?

I have found a ton of useless goodies to place on this blog. Seems I am not linked as much as I should be....

At last the wait is over

See you there..


Thanks chaps.. Due to recent postings (August 19 2003 - Crunky And Bandwidth, including a pic of a GENIE*) it seems that I cannot get this theme tune out of my head. So if you are wandering around a major metropolitan area in America and hear it, then you may have found me! Just don't expect one of the most positive responses if you question me about it.

You will have to excuse me, while I go for a quick burst of the second verse (meaning I have to don my frilly armed shirt, and illegally pointed shoes for full effect)

*I put the full date for when this blog is being read in galaxy far far away, thousands of er... years... no, er.. eons, yes, eons later, as mankind was facing some inevitable wiping out, and just HAD to preserve what it was that made humankind, well so annoyingly persistant over what ever span of years it managed to mess everything up, and use up every available natural resource. (Except full stops and any other sentance breaking punctuation, which seem already depleted)

Sing along kids

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Makes you think doesn't it...

Here is something that may, or may not put things into perspective for you. Try watching and not being moved by it...

Oh dear, I seem to have something in my eye and need to look away, over there for just a few moments....

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Spam, sometimes there is GOOD news

Go Here and scroll down to MONDAY AUGUST 18, then click on "Serial Spammer Exposed". This chap got what he deserved, well I think so, anyway.

mmmmmmmmmm Crunky....... and bandwidth...


Also I apparently keep going over my bandwidth, and this is BIG news when you are doing all those freebie, ad supported versions of things that most people don't realise they don't have to pay for.

Meaning that my site gets little hits, but it seems that on occasion it gets more..... (thinking bubble generates an image of a bandwidth genie, granting many wishes)

Sort of Genie

Monday, August 18, 2003

Do-It-Yourself Hacked Billy Bass

Do-It-Yourself Hacked Billy Bass

Is this for real? Endless possibilities? Hmmmm


August 18 to the 21st!!!


MyTwoSecondShelfLife is rather entertaining, you should take a look if you get the urge to :)

Help Desk Movie

This is so right, but it's 13MB so be prepared to wait a little while. I have been there, oh yes I have (cue the 'Nam flashback sequences)

5 Weeks is nothing!

What a waste of time, to come all through this and only spend 5 weeks here!!

I spent a LOT longer than that, even researching how it works! Let alone applying for, jumping through beurocratic hoops, worrying, paying, filling out more forms, flying, arranging etc.

Take a read and you will probably get more from what ISN'T there, than what is.


ThinkTanks is something you can waste quite a bit of time on... hmmmm I may even purchase it!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Just put Linux on an older machine that should be due WinXP upgrade from Win98, at the end of the year, when Win98 becomes officially un-cool to be seen with. I cheated by putting a version of it that runs straight from the CD, and doesn't mess with your currently installed operating system.

It was fairly painless, just grab the ISO image, burn it to a CD and then reboot your precious machine, making sure that it is set to boot from the CD first.

Being inside Linux was fairly familiar, mousey-clickey, pointy-windowey kind of vibe. To me (being a product of the graphical demos of yesteryear) it was like being in some strange dream like version of Windows, where everything was just more er.... sort er.. well, like you would WANT it to be, instead of how it simply 'is'.

Still with me so far?

I will return to this as soon as I figure anything out about it.... but there is plenty of help out there...... somewhere...

I am not going to go all technical on my readership, for three good reasons..
i. I would not go near too many pages that made reference to Linux on them (until now that is)
ii. I am probably going to find the extremely simple parts that people never think to explain to people, is going to be left out of my Linux adventure, so I will have to document them here.
iii. Only about three people probably read this, and those I KNOW read it, would not be the remotest bit interested in Linux anyway. But it is FREE, aha... did that catch your eyes chaps?
iv. I like to write about people and life mostly, NOT about Linux (yes I know that's FOUR reasons, but it is MY page, and I have Linux now)
v. I got the power.....du du nurrrrrr ni ni ni ni.... du du nurrrrr ni ni ni ni (you know, the screamy female vocal cliché?)

And for those of you that only hit this page for the links, here is one just for you... NOT LINUX

Sunday, August 10, 2003


Don't have to call the people at Verizon, as my net connection has just come back online at what is probably better than before, although a lot less than they say they SHOULD be working at.

I am not complaining, as I have spent a week in dial-up territory, and I AIN'T GOIN' BACK IN, YER HEAR ME!?!? At least not without a fight, or maybe just some asking REALLY nicely, with maybe a AHEM... where was I... yes, I was finished..


You know how it is, you spend an eternity finding out all the reasons this malfunction could POSSIBLY be happening. Even including the rotation of the earth and current political climates in China maybe. Only to have a fully documented journey of fruitless endevour, ignored, while obviously, highly trained, and payed support staff, go blindly (or should that be deafly?) through the same mantra about what you obviously haven't done to get it working again...

Just the thought of that, sends a lump to my colon.

I WANT this... NOW!

This would make my life complete.....(quiet sniffle)

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Flash Mob

Flash Mob is a site devoted to the apparent next fad, of organizing crowds, via emai, to turn up at a specific location and time, to perform a meaningless activity for a very short time (seems 15 seconds is the norm here) and then leave again.

Great idea, I wish them well.. no really I do.

If you still can't work it out for yourself, then read this article about a couple of recent er.... flashes?

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Home Star Runner.... It's a dot com!

A lot of you out there will know what this is all about....but would you explode if you knew that it was some BEHIND the scenes info....?

And thanks again to Verizon for screwing up my internet connection again for a whole week of "DSL Prices, and Dial-Up performance"..

Cheers, you're the best! So I am officially blaming you for these VERY short postings.

One slight contribution to all the shorter postings is a very handy little thingy, from Google. It's an additional browser bar (YES just like those annoying ones, but the opposite of annoying), that does a few things for you during your journey round the net. The handiest being blocking pop-ups (hold CTRL when clicking if you find you NEED that pop-up), and the second fave one is an instant blogging button. Find a page, press the symbol, a window pops up (yes I know it blocks pop-ups too, but it's smart see), all filled in and ready for you to publish, after adding choice comments of your er... choice...

Oh now look, I've gone and made this post all lengthy again, darn it all to botherville (along with Verizon)

Tested the speed using a few of those online speed test thingies... got around 80kbps! So did a big no-no and connected a machine (briefly) to the net by completely ignoring the router all together (thinking this could be a good chance to replace the apparently dying router, maniacally laughing in this manner). I was hoping to replace it with one of these wireless ones you see, now I cannot really spend the cash on something that ain't broke. Yes I KNOW that is 90% of how people shop, but not me chum, ok?

No, it seems the router is working as it should and it's the outside world that's wrong, not me..... I am glad I am unhappy about the result (think about that one for a moment perhaps). And while you do, I shall leave it there..

Friday, August 01, 2003


Look you knew I couldn't hold out for ever on this one, so here is my thoughts on the whole awful affair. Careful kids there may be some naughty words here if you listen to it REALLY carefully...

Nobody told me about this....

I always thought the moon was real. Read and be informed chums