Friday, September 26, 2003

3D.... oh yes...

Check this out, total immersion in There without being in There!! No glasses, no equipment, no sign up, just bad eyesight due to crossing your eyes too much.

No you don't need these
image credit

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


One is EXTREMELY tempted...


Well finally got one of those Tivo things, a nice huge one with over four full days recording time, if you watched non-stop! Haven't plumbed it in yet, but managed to rewire the house so it all works everywhere, and can be used anywhere too. It's one that combines DirectTV with the service so apparently, your television becomes telepathic and records everything you like without you having to set it!!

I have heard some describe this as a religion, and I will of course let you know the official verdict, as soon as a few weeks have passed.

While glancing through a rather massive forum of all things Tivoey, I came across a little note from one of the admins there about how they had neglected music over the years, and wondered just how they had lost sight (or sound) of their lifes soundtrack, as they put it.

Never being allowed in younger years to listen to music at any great level (lots of strict stuff there) my own personal sound level is very low, or it seems it when compared to others. I can survive on virtual silence, unlike people I know that are not happy unless the television or radio is pounding away ignored (but having to be beaten back in the conversation) in the background. Or a car ride with the obligatory gaggle of DJ burble and the same five songs played in a loop between commercials.....

I replaced it with message boards, and lots of quietly digestable information. Now everyone seems to be getting the idea that while the nerds don't get out on the dance floor, or even out at all, they do have the knowledge to do what ever it is they WOULD do if they could go out unprotected into the sunlight...

I am REALLY making an effort to play more music and not let it annoy me, but it's early days and perhaps I will just never get used to it. Even when in a position of not wanting to hear the world nearby, it's always (if it's even on) pulled back a notch or two so I don't loose sight of what is happening around me.....

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Creepy update - Wheel of Dreaded Consequences

I am getting really worried now, as it seems people are taking the wheel (as it is known from now on), very seriously!!

If you are brave enough, then go here and you can try the wheel for yourself. Please make sure you are under parental supervision before attempting to psychologically ruin your already fragile child mind.

No you CAN'T handle it!

You are hearby sentanced to THE WHEEL!

In my overuse of THE WHEEL (echoey voiced phrase from now on) I discovered that there are other wheels too! But they can be things like The Wheel of Reward.

There have got to be a lot of other instances that an appropriate wheel would be as effective as here, now if only I could think of some....

Friday, September 19, 2003


An upcoming interview with immigration means I have to choose from some of the hundreds of wedding photographs, something that demostrates it was indeed a real (but to them more importantly legal) day.

I like to think that I am normally in control of how I am, even under pressure, but these images seem to show that I was the most nervous person in the universe at that moment.

I am like a huge number of people, that do NOT like their photos taken. So I understood that it was not really an option at my own wedding! However, I look like some sort of stand in, as if they needed someone to take up the space for when the real groom arrived. Worse of all, I was rarely smiling, now I thought I was, but the evidence shows I wasn't.

It sounds like a cliche, but it really was a perfect day. Plenty of preperation and every single moment went more perfectly that anyone could have planned. It's been just over a year, and good things continue to flow...

Wow, makes you think doesn't it...

Oh and with the slim chance that someone is reading this and is wondering, the interview is a normal part of the immigration process. But as usual starts off plenty of needless worry. Can't moan, as I knew all the beurocratic hoops I needed to jump through well before this time. I just have to 'suck it up' as I have heard some people told lately. At least it's something that furthers things, and not a step back, gotta keep the positive in mind, you know? These are the final stages now with immigration anyway, and they have been good to me up to now, so I have had a relatively care free experience with things

I like it here, I know now why they protect their borders the way they do
image credit

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Habbo Hotel

I was unreliably informed that Habbo Hotel was indeed a similar experience...

Guess what


But if you go there, look for Krysss, as that is me, AND it looks dangerously like me too!!

Still here...

Just a quick post to let my public know, that I am indeed alive....

Be back soon with some more postings (Oh we are soooo relieved)

Wednesday, September 10, 2003's Latest Psychological stab in the iris with a vinegar soaked rusty knitting neeedle

Come on lads, FIX IT!!

The ups and downs of a 3D online existance continues to be surprising, yet merciless. shut it's gates on earlier this week in readiness for the newest version. Out of Beta and into version 1.

Now it open......nearly. There are a LOT inside as of this moment (according to the Krysss.Com offical news anchor Sandhya, reporting Live and direct from inside

If it wasn't for the amazing deal they are doing for anyone who signs up before the 12th of Oct, I think they would have lost a lot today!!

Yours truly is sticking this one out to the bitter (yet fashionable) end.....

Tuesday, September 09, 2003


OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! (ok that's enough, I think they get the point)


Ok, GREAT NEWS (Not to worry folks he's running out of capital letters) just released it's pricing plan and it's going to be a measley $30 for a LIFETIME membership, with all the premium features thrown in. You too can get in on this if you sign up before October 12th 2003, but I'm sure you don't want to. Well, just one thing that this service gives a very real Voice Over IP service with unlimited conferencing possibilities. That is the only sensible application that I could think of that might catch the attention of the thousands of regular readers here.

You know what? Who cares, if you don't get in There now, you really will be missing out on something that really is about to change the world (and this time for the better)

Well at least he calmed down near the end

There's underbelly

This video shows you what all that nonsense is I keep going on and on and on about. Watch this and you might understand why...

There TV

Here's a little test, which I was going to add to the blog side panel when I can get some hosting that allows the linking of images....It's just a collection of images from my travels of There.Com and all it has to offer....

Sunday, September 07, 2003 coming back VERY soon

I don't think I can take this strain again... is off for a couple of days while they near the roll out of it's newest version of the software, plenty promised, but after the recent... 'suckyness' of the end of Public Beta 3, event, I hope that all is better in this newer version, with regard to server loads...

Thursday, September 04, 2003


The little cherub started a new school today. Immense amount of newness, that apparently were of no concern to them (Yeah riiiight) so it seems I will have to wait until later to NOT get the full story of how new it all seemed. As hey, I knew that anyway, and ----Insert teenage type sneering remark here---- etc etc.

I think kids must having amazingly strong eyebrows to be able to stand up to the amount of useage they get in the next few years of being raised more, than they are at rest!!

Just watch for that "I'm tracking the arc of an overhead object" look, as well as the face that appears to be almost constantly smelling something approaching rotten zombie flesh, which can be purchased at all major outlets of "Like I am so totally not with you people" or similarly themed stores....

Not my kid but an image from

Tuesday, September 02, 2003


I put off a lot of things lately and now I am getting them done. This should not feel so good, as I should have done them anyway... so I am at a loss as to what to feel about the whole AvoidanceGate thing....

Got round to ticking off from my tatty old to-do list, installing Linux, in two flavours, and a nice dual boot to er... boot.

The Blogger input thing, crashed out on me earlier so you are being saved from a longer textual drivel than you got this time round (lucky eh?) but I am sure some of that previous gibber will spawn again lower down this entry..

Going back to my geekier roots, I would have to say that knowing embaressingly little about Linux lead to intensive research on how to even get the damn thing on the box, (Oh no, he said BOX instead of it, something's coming....) let alone USE it in any meaningful way.

The reasoning for all this intensive installation and all round serveryness, was because later on this year, Windows98 becomes unsupported by Microsoft (Hey, why didn't he say M$ like all the other kids??) and there are going to be a lot of community centers with a lot of sub 1Ghz PC's, with zero to buy the extreme licenses offered by M$ (Oh, he said it).

So if they use a free operating system that still gets the jobs done, that apparently people need computers for, they would be saved, groovy!
(Except that nobody really knows what a community center computer lab is for...research will take years to uncover the mysteries, watch out for it on the Discovery Channel)

It has been an education as I now know what ROOT is all about, and oh yes, I do got it, (The wit of a 400lb Star Trek Fan astounds more and more) more to the point being YOU HAVE TO, to be able to do this properly. And should I tell you what it is, er...........(well?)....No, sorry I can't. You do the work and you to can have it.

Hey I feel more empowered (Read Geek) than ever before... Just like that chap in the movie Signs said "They make up strange little symbols and languages to make themselves feel important" or something like that. That's what's happening. And you know it's geek because it's computers, not football or another sport, where someone that can tell you every play since Moses came down from the mountain. No, they are considered an expert, and if you know how to turn on a computer and install something vaguely useful you must be a geek. Listen up sports fans, at least the geeks are actually DOING what it is they supposedly know about, not sitting on the couch, telling their only 2 chums HOW they WOULD have done it!

Hah! (Oh come on, this is weak).....yes it is rather, perhaps I should leave it there for now...

Monday, September 01, 2003

Here's a post to annoy non-bloggers..

Happy Birthday to me

I bet nobody reading this got one of THESE for their birthday!!
(Jumping up and down like an over excited 4 year old about to puke with joy)